Finland’s Supreme Administrative Court: Election of the Sámi Parliament must be repeated – President Näkkäläjärvi emphasises continuation of daily work of the Sámi Parliament until the new election

The Supreme Administrative Court has issued decisions on appeals concerning the electoral register and election results of the Sámi parliamentary election. Pirita Näkkäläjärvi, President of the Sámi Parliament in Finland, calls for sensible discussion on the matter, as the Sámi Parliament in Finland is a constructive force in the Finnish society.

The Supreme Administrative Court has issued its decisions concerning the 2023 election of the Sámi Parliament in Finland. In the decisions, the Supreme Administrative Court ordered many people to be added to the 2023 electoral register and ordered that the Sámi parliamentary election must be repeated.

Pirita Näkkäläjärvi, President of the Sámi Parliament in Finland, says that the situation is serious. The Executive Board of the Sámi Parliament in Finland will consider the decisions of the Supreme Administrative Court as an additional item in its meeting held on 27 March 2024.

– We will carefully go through the decisions of the Supreme Administrative Court. It is important to make sure that the daily operations of the Sámi Parliament in Finland can continue as normal until the repeat election. We have a lot of work with promoting all three Sámi languages that are alive in Finland, Sámi culture and all traditional Sámi livelihoods, President Näkkäläjärvi emphasises.

President Näkkäläjärvi wishes to remind people about the ultimate purpose of the Sámi Parliament in Finland. Above all, the purpose is to maintain and develop Sámi culture and the three Sámi languages that are alive in Finland, as well as to promote the rights of Indigenous People and the rights of the Sámi to self-determination.

– The work of the Sámi Parliament in Finland involves daily efforts to carry all three Sámi languages alive in Finland forward to next generations everywhere in the country.  That is most important. It is everything. Children and young people need study materials. Cultural associations and employees need support. All traditional Sámi livelihoods need reinforcement. This work cannot be disrupted for any reason, Näkkäläjärvi says.

Amendment of the Act on the Sámi Parliament could solve the situation

President Näkkäläjärvi hopes that processing of the bill on the Act on the Sámi Parliament continues as planned at the Parliament of Finland, because a reform of the Act could remedy the situation. The Act on the Sámi Parliament has become outdated, resulted in a lot of conflicting interpretations and led to the current confused state of affairs.

– Amendment of the Act on the Sámi Parliament would bring a solution to this long-lasting disagreement on Sámi self-determination. The Sámi Parliament in Finland, which is the official representative of the Sámi in Finland, and two consecutive Governments of Finland have approved the results of the negotiations as the new Act on the Sámi Parliament. The decision of the Sámi Parliament’s Plenum to support the proposal on the Act was made during the previous term. The proposal on the Act would also settle the very regrettable human rights violations stated by UN treaty bodies, Näkkäläjärvi states.

The proposal on the Act on the Sámi Parliament is included in Prime Minister Orpo’s Government Programme and statement on equality. The government proposal was given unanimously to the Parliament of Finland in December 2023. The proposal is being processed by committees of the Parliament of Finland. The proposed date for the Act’s entry into force is 1 July 2024.

– The proposal would provide clarity to application of the Act on the Sámi Parliament. It would amend appeals related to the electoral register in a way that improves legal protection of individuals. It would also strengthen Sámi democracy by ensuring equal possibilities for voting in the Sámi homeland where distances are long. It is important to adhere to the proposed date for the Act’s entry into force on 1 July 2024. I believe that we all want to move forward from this divisive situation and find a solution, President Näkkäläjärvi says.

The President of the Sámi Parliament in Finland calls for sensible discussion

President Näkkäläjärvi concludes by asking for sensible discussion concerning the Sámi Parliament in Finland.

– The Sámi Parliament in Finland is a constructive force in our society. The Sámi Parliament cherishes Sámi culture and all three Sámi languages that are alive in Finland. The Sámi Parliament supports all traditional Sámi livelihoods. The Sámi Parliament wants to enhance the vitality of the Sámi homeland and extensively cooperate with various actors, Näkkäläjärvi says.

Further information: 

Pirita Näkkäläjärvi
President of the Sámi Parliament in Finland
+358 (0)44 7533 766


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