Sámi Parliament's Plenum

The Plenum represents the supreme authority of the Sámi Parliament. It meets 4–5 times per year. The Plenum decides mainly on the statements, proposals, and other comments.

The Council of State appoints the people who have gained the most votes in the elections as members (21) and deputies (4). However, every municipality of the Sámi homeland (Enontekiö, Inari, Sodankylä, and Utsjoki) must have at least three members and one deputy.

The Sámi Parliament’s plenum meets at the Sámi Cultural Centre Sajos in Inari. The meetings are open to public and can be observed in the Parliament hall or through live-stream broadcast. Interpreting equipment are also available for the public in the Parliament hall.  

The members and deputies for the term 2024–2027

Pirita Näkkäläjärvi


On leave until 30 November 2025.

Leo Aikio

I Vice President

Tel. 040 621 6505 / 010 839 3180


Tuomas Aslak Juuso

II Vice President

Tel. 040 687 3394 / 010 839 3101


Juha Petteri Alakorva


Anu Avaskari

Veikko Feodoroff


Karen-Anni Hetta


Janne Hirvasvuopio


Inka Kangasniemi


Anni Koivisto

Tel. 040 415 5969

Kari Kyrö

Asko Länsman

Tel. 0400 385 898


Ulla-Maarit Magga

Leena Niittyvuopio-Jämsä

Anne Nuorgam

Armi Palonoja

Aslak Pekkala


Nilla Tapiola

Niko-Mihkal Valkeapää

Deputy Members

Marjaana Aikio

Matti Aikio

Pentti Pieski

Antti Sujala