Ijahis Idja is Looking for Volunteers!

Ijahis Idja needs volunteers to help the festival between August 17th and 19th with traffic control, ticket sales, cleaning the festival area and as festival helpers.

Come and join the Ijahis Idja crew and you will get the festival pass for Friday and Saturday concerts! Also you’ll get warm meal on the day you’re working.

When signing up, tell your name, e-mail, phone number and which days you would prefer to work.

More info and signing up for the work:

Associate producer Aleksi Ahlakorpi / aleksi.ahlakorpi@samediggi.fi / +358 40 687 8844


Photo: Ijahis Idja/ Paadar Images


Ijahis Idja is a festival celebrating the music of indigenous peoples and has been held in Inari since 2004. The event is the only music festival held in Finland that concentrates on Sámi music. The Ijahis idja (‘Nightless Night’) Indigenous Music Festival is yearly held in the village of Inari, Finland. Festival venue is the Sámi Cultural Centre Sajos. You can listen and experience Sámi and other indigenous peoples music in festival events such as concerts, music seminars, workshops and sports competitions.

See you at Ijahis idja!

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